A Non-payroll Job Class or Location must be used error in Personnel Actions

Description of Issue

When entering a Personnel Actions, received an error message for the employee

A non-payroll Job Class or Location must be used

  • Munis

  • 2017.1 and up

  • Personnel Actions

  • Job Class Master

  • Location Code


The Non-Payroll/Civil Service box on the Location code or the Non-Payroll box on the Job Class is checked

  1. Navigate to the Job Class Master program (Human Capital Management>Payroll>Payroll Setup>Job Class Master)

  2. Search for the Job Class code that is being used

  3. If the Non-Payroll check box on the right side should not be checked, click Update and remove the check-mark from the Non-Payroll option

  4. Click Accept to save the changes

  5. If the Non-Payroll option is not checked, then navigate to the Location Codes program (Human Capital Management>Payroll>Payroll Setup>Location Codes)

  6. Search for the Location Code that is being used

  7. If the Non Payroll/Civil Service box should not be checked, click Update and remove the check-mark

  8. Click Accept to save the changes

Additional Information