MA Tax - Print or Export Actual Tax Bills

Description of Issue

Actual tax bills need to be printed or exported. 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • MA Tax

  • Actual Taxes

  • Print

  • Export 


An actual tax file or run is needed. 

  1. Navigate to Bill Print either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Assessor Processing and Reports > Actual Taxes > Bill Print

  2. Click Define.

  3. Enter the Year, Category, and Bill Type (Regular, Omitted, or All). 

  4. Choose either Form print or Export file as the output format. 

    1. If Form print is chosen, make a selection from the list of layouts in Bill form. 

    2. If Export file is chosen, choose a Report installment.

  5. Select a Scan format.

  6. Enter a due now and interest date for bill calculation. 

  7. Choose to Print Due1 Amount as zero if negative if desired. 

  8. Choose to Omit exempt properties with zero balance if desired.

  9. Choose to Include delinquencies and a UB delinquent date if desired. 

  10. Set a Bill amount range to include in the file. 

  11. Choose an option for the file sequence from Sequence by. 

  12. Enter a Bill number range if desired. 

  13. Choose to Include all, Exclude all, or set a Specific Range for service companies to print.

  14. Click Accept. 

  15. Click Select. 

  16. Save or Print the file as desired. 

Additional Information
  • Please refer to the field descriptions listed in Help, found by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right corner for additional information on each field. 

  • If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support.Â