How to create a Replacement ACA Electronic File
The IRS is requesting we create a replacement file, how do we do this?
Affordable Care Act Report
Electronic File
The original file was rejected by the IRS.
To create a Replacement File you must have the following:
Access to the program Create 1094/1095-B/C Electronic File.
The Receipt ID supplied by the IRS for the rejected filing.
To process the Replacement File, follow the below steps:
Navigate to the program Create 1094/1095-B/C Electronic File.
Define your year and type of file.
Click Update Status so the status is in Submitted status.
Click Update/Restore Receipt ID on the record used to create the file.
Click Define and type in your Receipt ID.
Click Accept to save.
Click Update Receipt ID to execute this process.
Go back to the Electronic File record.
Click Generate to create the Replacement File.
Dialogue should indicate you are creating a Replacement File as opposed to Overwriting a new file.
Please review the Master Article - Affordable Care Act Year End Reporting for all related topics.