GL Post an Abatement Batch

GL Post an Abatement Batch

Description of Issue

An abatement batch needs to be GL posted. 

  • 2019.1+ 

  • Abatement Entry 

  • GL Post


An abatement batch is completed and ready to post to the General Ledger. 

  1. An abatement batch will need to be selected first.

    1. Please follow the steps here to enter an abatement if one has not been entered already: Enter an Abatement in a Batch in Abatement Entry

    2. Please follow the steps here to resume an abatement batch so that it can be posted: Resume an Abatement Entry Batch

  2. Click GL Post (Note: This will post all abatements in the batch to the General Ledger). 

  3. Choose a Print sequence

  4. Enter a GL posting date

  5. Enter a Resolution, if desired. 

  6. Click Accept

  7. Choose the Output type for the report. 

  8. Click OK. 

  9. A message appears: No errors detected. Post these abatements? 

  10. Click Yes.

  11. A message appears: Posting is Complete

  12. Click OK.

Additional Information