Classic Bank Reconciliation - PRJ journal Payroll Checks - Not found when performing Manual Payroll Reconciliation

Description of Issue

Trying to locate and clear payroll check for Bank Reconciliation classic but it is not found in Manual Payroll Reconciliation

  • Bank Reconciliation (BR) Legacy/Classic
  • Adjustments/Deposits Reconciliation
  • Manual Payroll Reconciliation
  • Payroll Direct Deposits (PDD)

The Payroll checks are actually Payroll Direct Deposits and can be located in Adjustments & Deposits Reconciliation

Adjustments & Deposits program has to have create items run using option Payroll Direct Deposits before it can be found and cleared

  1. If site has Payroll Direct Deposits then create items can be run with option to bring these records in tied to PRJ journal line detail
    • If Bank Reconciliation record is open on screen select Adj/Dep Recon in the Munis menu ribbon at the top right of the program screen
    • Browse Financials > Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation > Adjustments/Deposits Reconciliation
  2. Create Items to pull and feed Adjustment & Deposit records into Bank Recon tables
  3. Include option Payroll Direct Deposits
    • This will create a direct deposit folder for payroll on the Bank Recon record separate from payroll checks cleared and outstanding folders
  4. Accept
  5. Ok for each account tied to bank code user would like to create items for
    • Now that items are fed into BR tables they can be reviewed
  6. Clear Items
  7. Define record selection fields
    • Date Range from mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
    • Item Type: Payroll 
    • Status: blank - empty field so not to accidently exclude what is being searched for
    • Check off flag for Clear deposits by journal
      • This option will show Year, Period, Journal Number, and Line Number used to tie out payroll deposit PRJ in Journal Inquiry for review
  8. Now tie out payroll data to GL PRJ journal that was located