Accruals hours are not subtracting Hours from Base pay in Earnings and Deductions

Description of Issue

Our Accrual Pay codes are not subtracting hours from base pay hours in Earnings and Deductions, even though all of the accrual pay codes are flagged as subtract from base.

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Processing

  • Generate Earnings and Deductions

  • Accrual Processing

  • Time Entry


The time entry batches were moved into payroll prior to Earnings and Deductions being generated for the payroll. Generate option used was to Add to Previously Generated Data (Clicked Continue to generate prompt).


Payroll will need to be Re-Generated, with the current Earnings and Deductions Data deleted. Time Entry Batches will need to be returned to Time Entry and Moved into Payroll after Earnings and Deductions have been generated. 

  1. Navigate to Payroll Start and Status: Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status

  2.  Search for the Payroll Warrant and choose Change to make the payroll the active Payroll

  3.  Enter Generate Earnings and Deductions

  4. Select Define, enter the parameters for generating earnings and deductions for this payroll and Execute

  5.  When prompted to Delete or add to previously generated data select Delete

 Once Generate Earnings and deductions has completed, you will need to move the Time Entry Batches back into Earnings and Deductions to do this:

  1. Navigate to Time Entry: Payroll>Payroll Processing>Time Entry Processing>Time Entry

  2. Search and Accept to pull up all of the batches for this payroll period

  3. Select Move to move the time entry batches into Earnings and Deductions

  4. Select Define and Execute to move the batches into Earnings and Deductions, when prompted select Continue to Add To Previously Generated Data.

  5. View and save the Time Entry Proofs to verify correct amounts moved into Earnings and Deductions.

Additional Information

If the pay is subtract from base pay, the subtraction is done when the Time Entry batches are moved in the Earnings and Deductions program.

If the subtract from base pays pull into payroll prior to the generated Base Pay(s) Munis will add the hours to the total hours for the Employee instead of subtracting.