UB Classic Unable to Update Route

UB Classic Unable to Update Route

Description of Issue

When viewing either the Service or the Account, the route field is greyed out when update is selected.

  • Classic Utility Billing

  • All versions 


In Classic Utility Billing the Route may only be defined in one area.  If it has a value in the Route field on the Account level the Route field  on the service is not available for update. The reverse is also true if the Route has a value on the Service it may not be updated on the Account.

  1. Go to the program that holds a value in the Route field

  2. Click Update in the ribbon at the top

  3. Click into the route field and use the backspace to delete the value

  4. Click the Accept check mark in the ribbon

  5. Return to the field that was initially greyed out and proceed with intended changes

Additional Information