Searching for Worfklow Business Rules

Searching for Worfklow Business Rules

Description of Issue

How do I find a workflow business rule?

  • Workflow



  1. Navigate to the program Workflow Business Rules.

    • Menu > System Administration > Workflow Administration > Workflow Business Rules

  2. Click Search and locate the issue business rule using any of the fields on screen.

    1. You can locate a specific Workflow Business Rule record in the system by starting out in the issue program and navigating to the Approver folder.

      • For example, in Personnel Actions Entry, you can review any In Progress or Approved records and select the Approver folder to see the current Workflow detail.

    2. In the Approver folder you can reference the Rule Bus ID value and use this same value in Workflow Business Rules to make an exact match.

Additional Information

Please reach out to any Support team with any additional questions.