Missing Enter NSF information option in Payment Reversals - Misc Receipt for permit payment

Description of Issue

Processing payment reversal and the option Enter NSF information is missing from the program screen

  • Payment Reversals

  • Permits

  • 11.3


NSF fees are handled differently for miscellaneous receipt permit payments. 


You must have an AR Charge Code set up for the Category and Year for NSF

Navigate to Property Revenues > Permits and Code Enforcement > Setup > Permits > Fee Codes to set up the fee code that will be added to the permit later in the process.

  1. Reverse the misc receipt as you normally would; you will not be able to add an NSF fee at this step so it is strictly a payment reversal

  2. Navigate to the permit itself and add the fee code (for NSF) to the permit. Application Entry > Application Permits (drill down into the permit)

  3. Select the Fees folder

  4. Select Add

  5. Select the NSF Fee Code from the list or just key the code

  6. Select Accept (green check) to save.

Additional Information

Payment must be posted to the GL, method should be a Check and cannot already reversed.Â