Employee Find Pending Batch Missing Records

Employee Find Pending Batch Missing Records

Description of Issue

Trying to pull Find Pending into a Batch but will only bring in some employees and not all records.





Find Pending time records had unapproved workflow since workflow was not needed for those records.

  1. Open Workflow Business Rules (System Administration > Workflow AdministrationWorkflow Business Rules)

  2. Search for the Process of EST.

  3. Update/Delete any Workflow Business Rules that should not have existed.

  4. Open Employee Pending Time Entry (Human Capital ManagementPayrollPayroll ProcessingTime Entry ProcessingEmployee Pending Time Entry)

  5. Search for all records affected (Search and Accept for all records)

  6. Click Mass Release from the toolbar.

  7. Click Yes on Release Time Entry Records dialog.

    1. Please note if you have many records, it will take some time to process.

  8. Return to Time Entry Batch and choose Find Pending to verify this fixed the issue.

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