ExecuTime Rules Engine Add Additional Amount Pay Code
Created a Rules Engine where employees who work between certain hours receive an additional amount of pay via a different Pay Code. The Rules Engine is created to look at the time frame and if the hours worked fall within the hours on the Rules Engine, APPEND the time from the base pay code to a shift differential pay code. Pay code still was not added.
In ExecuTime, go to System Admin > Policies & Rules Engine > Rules Engine > Individual Rules
Add a new rule by clicking the Plus sign or edit the appropriate existing rule by click the edit icon (pencil)
Enter the Start Time and End Time for the desired time frame to compare
Check the Append to Time box to add a new pay code if criteria defined is met
Check the Post Policy Processing box if the pay code comparing should be an overtime pay
Choose Total Time for Range option in the Rules section (this adds all time defined within the stated start and end times)
Choose > or >= option (this defines how to compare the time added) and enter the appropriate amount in the Comparison section (enter 0 for any time worked, or define the minimum number of hours)
Choose Set Pay Code To Name in the Then Section
Enter Pay Code to add when criteria is met
Incorrect configuration of Rules Engine Configuration.
These rules can become more complex if needed, such as comparing time for specific pay codes. Contact Support or your implementation staff if you need additional assistance.