Employee User Data and Accrual Exports program not returning data

Description of Issue

When we run the Employee User Data and Accrual Exports program, we are not getting any data to display in the excel file for the employee's accruals. The Employee Accruals screen shows that there is time available, but the export file does not contain any data.

  • Munis

  • Payroll

  • Employee User Data and Accrual Exports program


The program does not return data unless a payroll has been processed yet. The program was designed to pull the data with the most recent payroll check date. Without a processed payroll, there is no check date to reference.


In the Test or Train environment, process a test payroll so that a check date is available and then run the export again to confirm that the data is exported.

In the Production environment, the export will not be created until the first payroll has been completed in the Production environment.

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