Error in YTD Budget Report when running for Carry forward or Current Year Only and including journal detail

Description of Issue
  • Error when running the YTD Budget Report for Carry forward or Current Year Only and selecting to Include Journal Detail

Munis (glytdbud)
Error opening journal detail. Status: -1349 [ISAM -245]

Additional information concerning a status error of -1349:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server] Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'N' to data type int.

If you have any questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.

System Log: XXXXX

  • No error when running the report for Totals (GAAP)


YTD Budget Report


Incorrect BudgetType tied to the journal line


Contact Munis Financial General Ledger Support for further assistance. A connection with access to SQL will be required.

Additional Information