Time Entry - No valid Pre-scheduled pay records found in Find Pending

Description of Issue

When I run Find Pending, I'm getting the message, Munis (prtimatt) No valid Pre-scheduled pay records found.

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Time Entry
  • Employee Accruals
  • Employee Pending Time Entry

Pending records are not approved


If missing time off request:

  1. Open Employee Accruals (Payroll > Accrual Processing > Employee Accruals)
  2. Click  Pending. Search for the employee record.
  3. Click Release.  Once approved, the time may be processed in Find Pending

If missing timesheet request:

  1. Open Employee Pending Time Entry (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Time Entry Processing >Employee Pending Time Entry)
  2. Search for the employee record. Click Audit tab to confirm Status is not approved. 
  3. Click Release.  Once approved, the time may be processed in Find Pending
Additional Information