Cash Disbursements error Posting for a Voided Check ap1099sdio_insert: execute insert_ap1099sd

Description of Issue

Cash Disbursements error Posting a Voided Check ap1099sdio_insert: execute insert_ap1099sd 

  • Munis
  • Accounts Payable
  • 11.3

There are 1099S detail records still associated with the Check Number.


In the 1099-S Processing program Delete the 1099-S Detail Invoice record

  1. From the Financial Menu Navigate to  Accounts Payable > Vendor Processing > AP 1099 Functions > 1099-S Processing
  2. Click Define and enter the Year of the paid Invoice
  3. Click Accept, in the menu ribbon Select 1099 Detail
  4. Click Search and Enter the Check Number that was voided, Click Accept
  5. Click Delete to remove the 1099-S records
  6. Now Post the Cash Disbursements Journal
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