Time Entry Import error - Imported pay XXX is an inactive pay

Description of Issue

When import a Time Entry file, get the following error on the proof report:  Imported pay (XXX) is an inactive pay. 

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Time Entry Import
  • Employee Job/Salary

There are a few possible causes

  • Pay code has not been added to the employee in Employee Job/Salary. 
  • Pay Status field in Employee Job/Salary is Inactive
  • Incorrect pay code in the import file
  • If the Pay code has not been added, it can be added into Employee Job/Salary
    1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary)
    2. Search for the employee. Click Add in the toolbar. Define applicable fields. Click Accept. 
  • If the Pay Status field is Inactive, it can be updated in Employee Job/Salary
    1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary)
    2. Search for the employee and pay code. Click Update in the toolbar. Update the Pay Status to A-Active. Click Accept. 
  • If the Pay code is incorrect in the import file, update the Pay code in the import file
Additional Information

In some cases, this may be a warning only and the pay may import into Time Entry.