Create new Time Entry Import Template

Create new Time Entry Import Template

Description of Issue

How do I create a new Time Entry Import Template?

  • Payroll 
  • Time Entry
  • 2018.1 and higher

No time entry template currently exists 

  1. Go to Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Time Entry Processing > Time Entry
  2. Click Import in the toolbar.  Click Custom Templates.
  3. Click New Template. Define a name for the template,  leave delimiter as none if using an .XLXS file, if using a .CSV file, select Other and define a comma (,) in the File Delimiter field.
  4. Select Browse under Input File, and upload your time entry import file.
  5. If your import file contains headers, click the checkbox for First line contains headers.
    1. Check the checkbox for Attempt field matching based on headers. This helps the program create the template for you.
  6. Click Upload
  7. Choose or verify the headers are correct, then click Save