Projection Salary Calculate - Post Salaries report calculating 0.00 Pay Amount

Description of Issue
  • When using the Calc-Post function in Projection Salary Calculate, some records coming in with $0.00 Pay Amount
  • The salary calculate proof is showing 0.00 pay amounts for just the fire employees.
  • Payroll
  • Salary and Benefit Projections
  • Projection Salary Calculate
  • Projection Employee Job/Salary
  • Projection Employee Job/Salary was set up with hourly rate calc code 02, and Days/Year are 0.00. A calc code 02 requires Days/Year to calculate.
  • Days/year was not defined on a calc code 11 base pay so the Daily Rate was not populated. 
  1. Access Projection Employee Job/Salary (Payroll > Salary and Benefit Projections > Projection Start and Status > Projection Employee Job/Salary)
  2. Search for the Employee Job/Salary record and click Update
  3. If get the following prompt, click OK
    1. Updating an existing record will overwrite current values. Consider using
      the Duplicate option to copy this record to a different effective date and
      make your changes to the new record. This will allow for historical records
      to be retained within Employee Job/Salary.

  4. Enter the number of Days / Year
    1. Click Accept
    2. Exit Projection Employee Job/Salary
  5. Click Salary Calculate and re-run Calc-Post in Projection 
Additional Information

The Salary Calculate uses the Daily Rate and effective dates and counts the days in the Projection.Â