How to Regenerate Payroll to Replace Existing Data in Earnings and Deductions

Description of Issue
  • I generated payroll with the wrong deduction cycle
  • I need to make changes to Time Entry batches that were already moved to Earnings and Deductions 
  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Generate Earnings and Deductions
  • Time Entry

Each time the Generate Earnings and Deductions step is run in Payroll, you have the option to Delete what is existing in Earnings and Deductions and replace it with the current generate(s).

  1. Munis Menu>Human Capital Management>Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status
  2. Click Search. Define Warrant. Click Accept. Click Change in the Menu
  3. Click Generate Earnings and Deductions
  4. Click Define in the Menu. Make adjustments if necessary. Click Accept
  5. Click Execute in the Menu
  6. The Generate Options box will display asking Would you like to: Continue with this payroll and add to previously generated data? OR Delete and restart this payroll process from beginning OR Cancel? Click Delete
  7. If there were previously moved Time Entry Batches in Earnings and Deductions, choosing the Delete option will move the batches back into Time Entry.
    1. Go to Time Entry (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Time Entry Processing>Time Entry). Make any necessary changes within batches then Move them back into payroll.

*Please note: When choosing the Delete option during the Generate step, ALL data in Earnings and Deductions will be deleted and replaced with what is being generated. If there were any manual changes made prior, they will need to be done again. 


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