Hourly rate is correct in Employee Job/Salary and incorrect in Payroll

Description of Issue

Employee's hourly rate is correct in Employee Job/Salary but is wrong in the last payroll and shows the old hourly rate on the Advice.

  • Munis
  • Employee Job/Salary
  • Payroll Audit Inquiry 
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions
  • Global Audit Inquiry

Timing issue, the Employee Job/Salary record was updated after the employee was already generated into the payroll


To determine if this is a timing issue:

  1. Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)
  2. Search for the employee and pay code. Click Accept. Click Audit in the toolbar.
  3. Find the date and time the rate was updated. 
  4. Go to Global Audit Inquiry (Payroll>Payroll Administration>Global Audit Inquiry)
  5. Search for the Run and Warrant. Click Accept. Click Browse. 
  6. Find the date and time the Payroll Generate Finished (Line for END GENERATION FUNCTION).
Additional Information