Entering corrections in Projection Salary Calculate in v2018.1

Description of Issue

After upgraded Munis, no longer see option to Add, Update or Delete records in Projection Salary Calculate screen

  • Munis v2018.1+
  • Salary and Benefit Projections
  • Projection Salary Calculate
  • Effective Dated Pays
  • Employee Job/Salary

Effective Dated pays was added to Employee Job/Salary in Munis v2018.1+


All manual salary changes are entered in Projection Employee Job/Salary.  Sites can update the existing records.  Or use Duplicate option to create new set of Employee Job/Salary records with new Effective Dates and rates.  Or add records for employees projected to move to new positions.

Additional Information

Note that it is the Reference salaries from Projection Employee Job/Salary that post to the Budget Projection