Invoice entry is erroneously including use tax liquidation amounts on a non use tax Purchase Order

Description of Issue

A purchase order exists with no use tax, but when an invoice is entered, Munis is attempting to apply a Liq use tax amount to the purchase order liquidation in error. This is either leading to an unrecoverable error liquidated use tax can't exceed open use tax amount or the invoice will save and create an over liquidation on the Purchase Order as a result. 

  • Munis
  • Accounts Payable
  • Purchase Order Liquidation

This is a Munis defect

  • Please install MUN-415917 from the MIU when available
  • If the invoice errors during entry, please remove the Liq use tax values from the liquidation screen before saving
  • If the invoice saves, and you now have an over liquidation on your Purchase order as a result, please contact Munis Financial Support
Additional Information