Table validation error fund does not net to zero

Description of Issue

Table validation error, fund does not net to zero

  • Table Validation Report
  • Month End Manager
  • Out of balance
  • Fund

  1. Reverse the Journal with the issue. (Often the Journal in question includes other Funds and can have multiple lines associated with it. In this case using option #2 below would be recommended)
  2. Create a one-sided Journal Entry to correct the account that is out of balance
Additional Information

Reconciliation may be necessary to determine the Accounts with the issues. This can be accomplished by using the Account Trial Balance Report or reviewing the Journal detail monthly amounts more closely in Account Inquiry Use one of the following methods to reconcile

  1. The Troubleshooting Table Validation Errors - 11.2 and Above

Troubleshooting Steps:

Run the Account Trial Balance Report for the Fund with the error, for Balance Sheet accounts only. If there are NO Fund Discrepancies noted in Month End Manager, you should start by running the Account Trial Balance report for the prior year, period 13. Then run the Account Trial Balance report for the balance sheets in the Fund for the Current Year. Compare the Ending Balance of your period 13 report to the Beginning Balance for your Current Year report. Both balances should be 0.00


When running the Account Trial Balance Report for All accounts or even just Balance sheet accounts for Current year period 1. If the beginning balance total does not = 0.00 there is a problem with the current year period 0 amounts 

The next step is determining if this Period 0 issue is only in Current year period 0 or if the prior year period 13 amount is incorrect and carryforward to the current year period 0 

Compare the Total beginning balance to the accounts in the report, is there one account where the beginning balance matches? If so, review that account more closely by running the report for period year period 13 then comparing to the current year period 0 report and/or review Account master Amounts for current year period 0 and prior year period 13