How to Audit Changes in Earnings and Deductions

How to Audit Changes in Earnings and Deductions

Description of Issue
  • How can I see who made changes to payroll?
  • How can I see who made changes to an employee's pay in payroll?
  • How can I see who made changes to an employee's deductions in payroll?
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Earnings and Deductions
  • Payroll Audit Inquiry
  • Payroll Audit Options

To see who made changes to Earnings and Deductions, first you will want to make sure you have the appropriate audits enabled. Navigate your Tyler Menu to Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Administration > Payroll Audit Options

Perform the following for all three tables:

  1. Search for prpmppay (period pays), prpmdded (period deductions), and prpersum (period summary)
  2. Verify that the setting for Manual Data is enabled, system generated is not required to audit manual changes
  3. If Manual Data is not enabled, click Update and flag the box
  4. Click Accept

***IMPORTANT*** If the manual changes were not enabled on any three of these audits, you will not be able to audit any changes that have already occurred, this will only capture manual changes moving forward.

You can access these audits in Payroll Audit InquiryHuman Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Administration > Payroll Audit Inquiry

  1. Search on prpmppay/prpmdded/prpersum
  2. TAB into the Record Detail section
  3. Define the payroll run type code in the prpp_ctlno field
  4. Define the payroll warrant in the prpp_warr field
  5. Define the employee number in the prpp_emp field
  6. Click Accept

You will then return a record for each change made for that employee on either a pay code, deduction code, or the period summary record in earnings and deductions. This will audit will show the time the change was made, which user made the change, along with the previous and current values in each field.


Employee was paid incorrectly due to a manual change in payroll.

Additional Information

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