Delete button greyed out in Invoice Entry and Proof
Unable to update or delete proof invoice
- Munis
- General Billing
- Invoice Entry and Proof
In this scenario a user might be attempting to remove one or more General Billing Invoice Proofs. When attempting to remove an Invoice from Proof and a user might find their delete button is greyed out in Invoice Entry and Proof. This could be related to a lack of General Billing Permissions. However, regardless of having elevated permissions this could be related to a General Billing Workflow process already being Approved.
Recommended resolution for lack of permissions would be to grant that user or its role the General Billing Permissions of 'Modify Invoices Pending Approval'. Or, of course have a user with elevated permissions delete the Invoice Proof(s).
Recommended resolution for updating or deleting a General Billing Invoice Proof record that has been Approved within General Billing Workflow, please see the article linked in the Additional Information section below.