Posting flat amount pay increases for employees assigned to Pay Bands

Description of Issue

How can I post flat amount pay increases to employees assigned to Pay Bands?

  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Employee Job Salary


Flat amount increases may be entered manually in Employee Job Salary

  1. In Munis v11.3, open Employee Job Salary (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary) > search for the employee > click Update > TAB down to enter the new rate > click Accept.  Note the Effective Date may also be updated
  2. In Munis v2018+open Employee Job Salary (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary) > search for the employee > click Duplicate > enter the new Effective Date and rate > click Accept

Flat amount increases may be imported from a file through Employee Import.  See information for v11.3 Employee Import, or see information for v2018+ Utilizing Flexible Imports

Additional Information