Checking for MUN update installation on Tyler Deploy

Description of Issue

How to check what release a MUN update is available under via Tyler Deploy.

  • Munis
  • Tyler Deploy
  • MUN
  • Update
  • Find a specific MUN

  • Find a specific update
  • Find what release an update is under

Clarification is needed on what release a specific MUN can be installed under with Tyler Deploy.

  1. Navigate to 
  2. Click Sign In and enter your credentials
  3. Expand the side bar using the three horizontal lines in the top left corner 
  4. Click Release Notes
  5. Click Issues tab
  6. Enter MUN-###### and click Search
  7. If the update is available, it will give you the release version where this update is included. 
  8. If the environment's current Munis ERP version is equal to or higher than the specified release, then the update has been installed.
  9. If the environment's current Munis ERP version is less than the specified release, then the update has NOT been installed.
    1. To install the update, navigate to Product Deployments > Munis ERP
    2. Select applicable environment, then select the specified release from earlier, or higher 
    3. Schedule or Start deployment