Return Employee Issued Property shows SSNs on Browse screen

Description of Issue

Return Employee Issued Property shows SSN’s on Browse screen


Inventory Management




Install the appropriate work ticket for your version:

  • 2019.1.22.388 - MUN-417986
  • 2020.2.0.0 - MUN-417987
  • 2020.3.0.1520 - MUN-417406
  • 2021.1.0.689 - MUN-417988
  • 2021.2.0.108 - MUN-417989
  • 2021.3.0.0 - MUN-417990

Workaround:  Remove menu access to the Return Employee Issued Property program for any users who should not have access to social security numbers

  • Return dates can be added to records through the Employee Issued Property program under the Payroll menu tree
  • For items that need to be returned to stock, use the Inventory Transactions program to post an Adjustment transaction
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