Abatement Entry posting fails when selecting No to All on the create refund record prompt

Description of Issue

When prompted by Abatement Entry to create refunds, selecting No to All causes the program to crash

Error Message: Invalid Transaction Structure (txabtent)

An invalid structure for database transaction logging has been detected.

A BEGIN WORK instruction was executed within an open transaction

  • Munis
  • Tax Billing
  • Real Estate
  • Personal Property
  • Abatement Entry
  • 2020.3.0.0+


Please contact Munis Tax Support to have a case logged in your name to receive updates on the code fix from Development.

Additional Information

As a work around, saying Yes to All when prompted with refund creation will successfully bill post the abatements. Refunds may be mass deleted after.

The system log for this event will show Execute sp_commit work 5XXX. 

  • The XXX will change depending on the Munis version and code installed but should start with 5.