Mass Delete accounts from budget projection with 0.00 budgeted
Description of Issue
- Accounts are in more than one budget projection, but in one projection all the amounts are 0.00
- Warning in Budget Completion Journal posting WARN - PROJECTION IS ZERO, but these accounts shouldn't even be in this projection.Â
- Got warning in Budget Completion Journal WARN - PROJECTION IS ZERO and I want to remove these accounts from the projections so I can post Original Budget later.Â
Budget Completion Journal
Next Year Budget Entry
Accounts included in more than one projection. Need to remove accounts from budget projections where budget amount is 0.00
In Next Year Budget Entry:
- Search
- Enter Projection Number and select option Filter by Amount
- Level should be set at the level where the undesired 0.00 are. For Budget Completion Journal, this is the highest budget level.Â
- Max : 0.00
    3. Accept
    4. Review the accounts returned in the find set should be deleted.Â
    5. Select Mass Delete from the Ribbon
Additional Information