Deductions not being taken in the payroll

Description of Issue

Retiree payroll warrant, deductions are not coming through in detail proof for one employee

  • Munis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Employee Master
  • Employee Deductions

Active employee with no pay lines in the payroll


For deductions to be taken in a payroll, the Active employees must have pay lines with pay amounts

  1. Open Earnings and Deductions (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Earnings and Deductions)
  2. Select Yes to prompt Continue with this payroll process?
  3. Search for the employee
  4. Click the Pay tab
  5. Click Add and enter the pay line information
  6. Click Accept
Additional Information
  • If the deduction line(s) was manually updated prior to adding the pay line, you must delete and re-add the deduction line in the payroll to force a recalc
  • If the employee should not have any pay, and should only have employer paid deductions in the payroll, then process the employee as Benefits Only status.  See Benefits Only status employee