Imported Pcards twice - Duplicated purchase cards

Description of Issue

Duplicate purchase cards due to importing twice

How to delete pcards?



Accounts Payable


User error


There is no way to delete pcards that were imported twice

If the transaction of both imports all went into the same statement you will want to do the following:

Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Purchase Card Statements

  • Release and Approve all statements
  • Convert Statements into Invoices

Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry

  • Search Batch number
  • Delete one set of duplicate Invoices within Batch


  • If the transactions went into separate statements, you can void the statement
    • This can only be done in versions 2017 +


  • Import the file again using the opposite amount (If imported for $100.00, manually change the file to import as a credit (-$100.00)). 
    • This will create additional transaction which would cancel out the mistake import. 
    • Release and Approve all Statements
    • Convert Statements into Invoice
    • Post Invoice Batch from Invoice Entry
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