Accruals for employee who has been rehired

Accruals for employee who has been rehired

Description of Issue

An employee left and was rehired, how do I handle their accruals moving forward?

  • Munis
  • Employee Accruals
  • Employee Accrual History


Refresh Train and test the following:

If the employee is going to be rehired using a new Table for the existing Accrual Type:

  1. Go to Employee Accruals. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Accrual Processing>Employee Accruals)
  2. Search for the employee. Click Update. Update their Accrual Table.
  3. Hit TAB down to the Accrual Date and Start Date to adjust dates.
  4. Click Accept

A new SOY (Start of Year) record will be inserted with the new date. All previous history on old table is available in Employee Accrual History. (Employee Accruals, click on History in the Menu.)

If the employee is going to be rehired on the same Type and Table they were on previously, the Start Date cannot be updated, however the Accrual Date can be update to reflect the new Start Date and history can be added:

  1. Go to Employee Accruals. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Accrual Processing>Employee Accruals)
  2. Search for the employee. Click Update. Update their Accrual Date. Click Accept
  3. Click History in the toolbar. Add a history record, define the Start and End date and enter in either the Earned or Used amount to adjust their balance to what it should be. 

If the employee is going to be rehired on the same Type and Table and it is necessary to have everything start completely over, the Table and History will need to be deleted in order to re-add it with a new Start Date and SOY record. 

  1. Go to Employee Accruals. (Human Resources/Payroll>Payroll>Accrual Processing>Employee Accruals)
  2. Search for the employee and Accrual Type. Click History. Click Excel to Export out all the history to keep a record of it, if necessary. 
  3. Click Return back to the Accrual Header Record. Click Delete in the toolbar. 
  4. Confirm Employee Accrual Delete prompt will display. Select the Remove option. This will delete the accrual and all history for that Accrual Type. 
  5. Click Add to add the Accrual Type/Table back in with the new dates. 
Additional Information