Benefits Only employees generating into payroll

Benefits Only employees generating into payroll

Description of Issue

We have several inactive employees who are pulling into payroll. How do we fix this so they do not generate in? 

  • Munis
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Generate Earnings and Deductions
  • Earnings and Deductions
  • Employee Master

The Employee Master records are defined with a Status of B-Benefits Only.


Employees who have a status of B-Benefits Only in Employee Master will still generate into payroll for purposes of processing the employer paid deductions when the employee is not being paid. 

If the employees should not be generating into payroll the status will need to be changed to I-Inactive. 

  1. Go to Employee Master (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master)
  2. Search for the employee. Click Accept. Click Update
  3. Choose a Status of I-Inactive. Click Accept
Additional Information