Manually update deduction line in the payroll

Manually update deduction line in the payroll

Description of Issue

Can I update taxable wages and amount for a deduction in a payroll?

  • Munis 
  • Payroll Earnings and Deductions
  • Payroll Deductions Detail


In most cases the amounts for a deduction may be manually updated in a payroll

  1. Search for the employee in payroll Earnings and Deductions (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Earnings and Deductions)
  2. Click on Withholding tab
  3. Double-click on a deduction line, this opens the Payroll Deductions Detail screen
  4. Use the arrow keys at the bottom to scroll to the deduction that needs to be changed
  5. Click Update
    1. Changing the Deduction Gross amount will update the taxable gross wages for that deduction in the payroll
    2. May also update the Employee Amount and/or Employer Amount to change the amount taken for that deduction in the payroll
Additional Information
  • If the Deduction Gross amount is $0.00, no withholdings will be taken
  • If the deduction has met the limit, no withholdings will be taken
  • Once the deduction has been manually updated, it will not recalc when enter any further changes in the payroll