Manually update deduction line in the payroll
Manually update deduction line in the payroll
Description of Issue
Can I update taxable wages and amount for a deduction in a payroll?
- Munis
- Payroll Earnings and Deductions
- Payroll Deductions Detail
In most cases the amounts for a deduction may be manually updated in a payroll
- Search for the employee in payroll Earnings and Deductions (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Earnings and Deductions)
- Click on Withholding tab
- Double-click on a deduction line, this opens the Payroll Deductions Detail screen
- Use the arrow keys at the bottom to scroll to the deduction that needs to be changed
- Click Update
- Changing the Deduction Gross amount will update the taxable gross wages for that deduction in the payroll
- May also update the Employee Amount and/or Employer Amount to change the amount taken for that deduction in the payroll
Additional Information
- If the Deduction Gross amount is $0.00, no withholdings will be taken
- If the deduction has met the limit, no withholdings will be taken
- Once the deduction has been manually updated, it will not recalc when enter any further changes in the payroll