Deduction Gross Breakdown does not match Deduction Gross

Deduction Gross Breakdown does not match Deduction Gross

Description of Issue

When review deduction detail in the payroll, the Deduction Gross amount does not match the total on the Deduction Gross Breakdown

  • Munis 
  • Human Capital Management
  • Payroll
  • Payroll Set-up
  • Deduction Benefit Master
  • Exceptions

There are overlapping ranges in the Payroll Exceptions

  1. Go to the Payroll Exceptions program. (Human Capital Management> Payroll> Payroll Set-up> Deduction Benefit Master. Click Exceptions in the toolbar.)
  2.  Search for the Tax Deduction code. 
  3. Review and correct any overlapping ranges by clicking Update and TAB down to the Exclusion Ranges. 
    1. (i.e. if there are 2 ranges 2000-2500, and 2100-2500.  Then delete range 2100-2500 as those would also be included in the first range).
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