Charge Codes not displaying on the Initial Scroll or Land Book

Description of Issue

When printing the Initial Scroll / Land Book some charges are not being included.

  • Munis
  • Property Tax Billing Virginia
  • Property Tax Billing North Carolina
  • Property Tax Billing Tennessee
  • Initial Scroll
  • Land Book

When processing the initial scroll or land book some charges are not displaying on the report or being included in the total amounts.


Verify that the specific charge code that is not displaying exists in the City Codes program (Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > South > State > Setup > City Codes)

  • If the charge code exits in this program and is a valid city code and should be displaying in the initial scroll / land book. Check the Include on county scroll/bills checkbox.
  • If the charge code exits in this program and is not a valid city charge code, delete the record from the City Codes program.
Additional Information