POOLED CASH - Payroll History Transfer - Invalid number of dtdf accounts detected

Description of Issue
  • History Transfer - Invalid number of DTDF accounts detected for (FUND) and (FUND), count: 0
  • Payrolls History Transfer errors when DTDF records are confirmed to exist on GL using Pooled Cash so unsure why this is erroring
  • Payroll History Transfer (PRH)
  • Due to Due From (DTDF)
  • Configuration Setup
  • Pooled Cash
  • Error
  • Pooled Cash site missing DTDF between both specific listed funds of error and site's designated pooled cash fund
    • Payroll Control Settings for Run Controls are incorrectly defined possibly due to default GL cash account on record 121
  • Non-Pooled Cash site missing DTDF specifically between the first and second fund listed in the error
Additional Information
  • Payroll Control Setting Default Cash Account is used when adding new Run Control records
  • Each Payroll Run Control Code needs to be correctly defined as needed