How to include current year pay increases in a Salary Projection for next fiscal year

Description of Issue

I need to start a Salary and Benefit Projection for next fiscal year, however pay increases for the current year have not been processed yet. How do I get both this year and next year increases into the projection?

  • Munis
  • Salary and Benefit Projections
  • Projection Start and Status
  • Projection Employee Job/Salary
  • Projection Mass Step Increase
  • Projection Mass Contract Change
  • Projection Pay Band Change


The current year increases can still be added into a projection if they have not been processed in the live data yet.

Two Options:

  • Process two increases within the same projection:
    • An employee can not have two records with the same Effective Date, the increases will need to be processed with two different Effective Dates.  
      • For example, if the Projection dates are 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 the first increase for this year could be effective 1/1/2021 and the next Fiscal Year increase could be 07/01/2021.
  • Create a separate projection for the current year:
    1. Process the current year increases within the projection as they would be done in live data. 
    2. Copy this current year projection to a new projection with the future year dates then apply that year's increases as usual. 
      1. For example, create projection 101 with dates for current year, process the increase, then create a copy of projection 101 to projection 102 for the next year. 
      2. How to make a copy of a projection