How To Refund Utility Bill Credit

How To Refund Utility Bill Credit

Description of Issue

I need to refund a credit on a utility bill


UBCIS 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020



Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Collection Processing > Bill Refund Processing

You will be presented with the following window 

Refund Warning: 

Munis recommends running payment redistribution prior to processing refunds. This will ensure that bills with some detail lines that are over-paid and some detail lines that are under-paid will be correctly reduced to zero. Would you like to run payment redistribution now?

Yes  or  No

Click Yes will automatically launch the Payment Redistribution program from Bill Refund Processing. Define, Select and Output are options to allow the program to transfer the credit on one detail line to another detail line on the same bill.

If you click No, you will be brought into the Bill Refund Processing Screen

To add a bill into Bill Refund Processing:

  1. Click the Add icon
  2. Enter the category of the bill (E.g Category 60 - UB Services - General, 61 UB - Assessment, 62 UB -  Installment, or 63 UB Electric - Services) in the AR Category field
  3. Tab to the Year field > enter the year of the bill
  4. In the Bill field, enter the bill number of the bill with the credit
  5. In the Reason field, click from the drop down to select a reason code for the refund
  6. Click Accept
  7. Click Output - Rel from the ribbon
  8. This brings you to the Release Options screen where you can either choose Selected or All 
  9. Click Accept
  10. This brings you to the Output screen which provided you with 'Refund Posting Options' > AR effective date > GL effective date > Posting year/period fields that default in with today's date and year and period from the General Ledger Settings
  11. The remainder of fields on this screen default in. If you need to update any of them you can do so from this screen
  12. Click Accept
  13. An Output window will appear and you can choose the output option you would like to use (Print, Save, PDF, Display)
  14. Click Ok
  15. The Release screen will present many fields that the information will default into. If your site has the Munis Financials > Accounts Payable module you will want to make sure the field Create Munis AP Batch is checked off 
  16. This will tell the program to create an invoice in Invoice Entry under the Accounts Payable module.
  17. Once these fields are all updated as expected, click Accept, you will be brought back to the Bill Refund Processing screen
  18. You will be presented with the see the following: Posting Complete > Refunds Batch Released  > Click Ok

Additional Information