Missing pays in payroll that have 0 remaining pays

Missing pays in payroll that have 0 remaining pays

Description of Issue

I am missing some pays in a payroll warrant.  Pay line will not save when add it into the payroll.

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Payroll Processing
  • Generate Earnings and Deductions
  • Encumbering

Payroll Control Setting Exclude Pays when Remain Pay = 0 is set to Yes.  And the number of remaining pays in Employee Job/Salary is 0.  And the Employee Job/Salary record is Encumbered.

  1. Access Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job Salary.  Search for the pay record. Click Update. Enter the number of pays in the Remain field. Click Accept.
  2. Or, if the pay should not be Encumbered, accesss Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job Salary.  Search for the pay record. Click Update. Click the Cycles/Other tab > set Encumbered to No. Accept.
  3. Then add or generate the pay into the payroll
Additional Information

Can view Exclude Pays when Remain Pay = 0 setting under Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings.  The setting is under category GENERATE.