Missing pays in payroll that have 0 remaining pays
Missing pays in payroll that have 0 remaining pays
Description of Issue
I am missing some pays in a payroll warrant. Pay line will not save when add it into the payroll.
- Enterprise ERP
- Payroll Processing
- Generate Earnings and Deductions
- Encumbering
Payroll Control Setting Exclude Pays when Remain Pay = 0 is set to Yes. And the number of remaining pays in Employee Job/Salary is 0. And the Employee Job/Salary record is Encumbered.
- Access Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job Salary. Search for the pay record. Click Update. Enter the number of pays in the Remain field. Click Accept.
- Or, if the pay should not be Encumbered, accesss Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job Salary. Search for the pay record. Click Update. Click the Cycles/Other tab > set Encumbered to No. Accept.
- Then add or generate the pay into the payroll
Additional Information
Can view Exclude Pays when Remain Pay = 0 setting under Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings. The setting is under category GENERATE.