Add Approve Other Contracts Permission v2020
Add Approve Other Contracts Permission v2020
Description of Issue
Missing Contract Permission on Data Access Tab of Contract Management Folder
Contract Management Role
Version 2020
The issue prevents you from saving the contract permission record. If you are able to currently save the contract permission record successfully, then you are not effected by the problem and loading this issue won't make any changes. If you were effected by this problem, please review the data access permission on existing contract roles and set accordingly.
To determine if you have this issue check the Contract Management Roles folder and see if the Approve others' contracts is there or blank.
- On the Munis menu click on System Administration > Security > Roles
- Click on the Search icon on the ribbon. in the Role Key field type Munis then click Accept
- Click on the Contract Management > Data Access
- Under General if there is a box without Approve others' contracts in front of the box then you are missing this permission.
Additional Information
Reach out to Tyler Systems Management Support for additional assistance.