Tyler Cashiering Receipt Logo Cutoff When Printing

Tyler Cashiering Receipt Logo Cutoff When Printing

Description of Issue

When printing a receipt from Cashiering, the top of the receipt is missing part of the logo. It appears to be cut off.

  • Cashiering

  • EERP


Receipt image is larger than the recommended size, which is 200 x 200 pixels.


Resize the image to 200 x 200 pixels, and re-upload the image to Cashiering.

  1. Navigate to Tyler Cashiering Admin Settings.

  2. General Settings > Receipting tab.

  3. Upload and select the resized image.

  4. Test reprint.

Additional Information

Epson receipt printers only print in grey scale. If the original image being used in Cashiering has a gradient or bright color, it may print as white on the receipt. Consider editing the original logo to be grey scale, then re-uploading the image.