Master Article - SnapLogic

Master Article - SnapLogic

Description of Issue

Instructional Articles for SnapLogic integrating with Tyler Products.

  • Cashiering
  • Payments
  • SnapLogic


Additional Information

We recommend reaching out to SnapLogic Support for SnapLogic issues. However, if the issue affects the integration with a Tyler Product, create a case with the Support team for that integration providing the following information:

  1. Debug logs from SnapLogic, the 3rd Party system, and the Tyler Product.
    1. In Cashiering, go to Logs or Administration > Logs. Export icon is in the top-right corner of the screen.
      1. Cashiering Logging Levels
    2. Payments Logs can be found in Program Files, under 

      C:\Users\[name of user]\AppData\Roaming\Tyler Technologies

  2. Any relevant screenshots or screen recordings of the error.
    1. Payment Type setup screenshots if only one payment type is affected.
  3. In what Tyler Product and environment (PROD, TEST, TRAIN, etc) this is occurring. If it is occurring in all environments, please note that in the case.