Master Article - SnapLogic
Master Article - SnapLogic
Description of Issue
Instructional Articles for SnapLogic integrating with Tyler Products.
- Cashiering
- Payments
- SnapLogic
Additional Information
We recommend reaching out to SnapLogic Support for SnapLogic issues. However, if the issue affects the integration with a Tyler Product, create a case with the Support team for that integration providing the following information:
- Debug logs from SnapLogic, the 3rd Party system, and the Tyler Product.
- In Cashiering, go to Logs or Administration > Logs. Export icon is in the top-right corner of the screen.
- Payments Logs can be found in Program Files, under
C:\Users\[name of user]\AppData\Roaming\Tyler Technologies
- Any relevant screenshots or screen recordings of the error.
- Payment Type setup screenshots if only one payment type is affected.
- In what Tyler Product and environment (PROD, TEST, TRAIN, etc) this is occurring. If it is occurring in all environments, please note that in the case.