Payment Type Report displaying next days effective date


When setting the Cashiering Payment Type Reports filter Start date and End date to the same date, the Payment type report generates and the Payment entry date field displays the entered date along with the next days date. 


Cashiering 2021.9.0.


Program defect.


Upgrade to Cashiering 2021.10.1 or higher. 

Additional Information

How to Replicate:

  1. Click Reports > Payment Type Report

  2. Options may be left at default to demonstrate this. Note the Start Date and End Date are the same (the current date)

  3. Click Run 

  4. Scroll down to the Search Criteria section and observe the information after Payment Entry Date. Instead of showing the current date twice, it will show the current date plus the following day.

  5. Contrast this with the behavior of other reports, such as the Tender Report where the same parameters will show a Search Criteria date of <current date> to <current date>