How to add a recurring check message
Is there a way to add a check/advice message so that it shows up on the pay advices/checks every payroll?
Payroll Control Settings
Run Control
Payroll Advices
Payroll Checks
Access Payroll Control Settings (Payroll> Payroll Setup> Payroll Control Settings).
Click Accept.
Click the Run Control option in the top ribbon.
Locate the payroll Run Type to add the message to (1-Bi-weekly, 2- Semi-Monthly etc.) and click Update.
Add message under the Check Message field.
Click Accept.
The Update Mail Sort Default pop up will show, click No.
Add the Check Message verbiage for any other applicable Payroll Run Types.
The Check Message field in the Run Control can store a two-line check message to print on each payroll check stub. This message appears on all checks unless overridden at the employee level with a custom message applicable to a single employee. Each box can contain up to 70 characters. Leave these boxes blank to omit a message.