Payments Admin Dashboard Mismatch

Payments Admin Dashboard Mismatch

Description of Issue

When viewing the Reconciliations Dashboards, a red Mismatch label appears on the dashboard indicating a variance between the Tyler Payments batch totals and the processor's totals.

  • Tyler Payments

  • Portico

  • Payments Admin


If the Tyler Payments batch totals and processor submission totals match, the grand total of both will display in large font below the Matched label.

If the totals are mismatched, the grand total will reflect the Tyler Payments batch total minus the processor's Submission Total (from the Deposit Detail report).


The card displaying the red Mismatch icon will show you the number of variant transactions. Using the ellipses to view the deposit details will report which transactions specifically are causing the variances with Merchant Order numbers, Account numbers, Totals, etc.

The purpose of this icon is to inform the user of a possible discrepancy between Payments and your bank statement. Further reconciliation may be required, depending on the scenario. No action needs to be taken to remove the mismatch label or change it to matched once reconciliation occurs. The label is for information purposes only and does not function as a button or process on its own. 

Additional Information

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