Send Email To Options ReadyForms Email Delivery Definition
Description of Issue
Would like to know the difference between the four Send email to email delivery definition options
- Accounts Receivable
- General Billing
- Delivery Definitions
- ReadyForms
- Enterprise Forms
- Email to
- Non_Prod
When adding an Email Step to a ReadyForms delivery definition, there are four options under the dropdown next to Send email to:
- Static Email Address - enter a static email address in the below To Email Address field
- this is recommend to be used when testing Forms emails from a Non_Prod environment like Test and Train
- if the static email does not work, please review override configurations: Testing Emails in non-production environment
- Customer Email Address - the email address will be pulled from the corresponding customer record, as appears in the Customers program
- Payee Email Address - the email address will be pulled from the vendor record, as appears in the Vendors program
- Tender Screen Email Address - the email address will be pulled from the Email receipt field in the Tender Payment window when entering a payment via Payment Entry (Output summary receipt or Output individual receipts must be checked, as well as Email receipt)
Additional Information
If emails fail, review Email Log for possible issue: Enable Email Logging for Enterprise Forms within Enterprise ERP
Emailing Invoices or Statements: Enterprise Form will not Email unless Force Email checkbox is enabled on Delivery Definition
EERP (Munis) Email relay configurations: Munis Email - Email section in the System Settings is not setup or setup incorrectly