Save spool files into Content Manager

Description of Issue

Saving spool files to Content Manager.

How to save spool files into TCM.

Saving to TCM from Saved Reports. 

  • Content Manager
  • CM
  • Tyler Content Manager
  • TCM
  • Saved Reports
  • Spool Files
  • Generic Attachment

Looking for options for saving spool files to Content Manager.

  1. In Tyler Hub, navigate to:
    1. Tyler Menu > Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Printer / Device Administration > Saved Reports or
    2. Tyler Menu > Enterprise ERP > Departmental Functions > Saved Reports
  2. Perform a search to surface the report or spool file you want to archive to CM
  3. Select the spool file/report and click Submit - TylerCM from the top menu bar
    1. Multiple files/reports are not able to be selected at the same time

These documents will archive to CM under the Generic Attachment Document Type of MUNISSpoolFiles called MUNIS Saved Report. To search for these attachments in the CM Full Client: 

  1. Launch the CM Full Client
    1. How to Access and Launch the TCM Full Client
  2. Click Documents in the lower left
  3. Click Document Search to pull up search criteria
  4. Select Filter at the top right
  5. Type or scroll to MUNIS Saved Report under the MUNIS General section
    1. Please note that if you type to navigate this list, typing must be done quickly or it will pick up the next letters typed after pausing. best to type our munis and scroll from there
  6. Click OK
  7. Apply filters as desired and click Search in the top right or hit the ENTER key
Additional Information

For details on performing filtered searches: Performing a filtered search in the TCM Full Client

For more information on permissions for Generic Attachment mappings or related security groups setup: How to configure Generic Attachment mappings in Munis to read-only using TCM security groups

For maintaining retention on files stored to CM: Creating a Retention Schedule for the TCM Purge Process