Calculating for Solar Credit

Calculating for Solar Credit

Description of Issue

User wants to know if there is a setup for calculating Solar Credit.

  • UBCIS 

  • Services 


The Net Metering will only work when there are two metered services on the account and the primary/secondary account screen is setup and has the method N = P - S with banked KWH, SEC = NO.

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Master Programs > Utilities

  2. Search for the Account you want use.

  3. Go the Services program and go to the service you want to use the method for.

  4. Click the Update and tab down to the Multi-Meter Method.

  5. In the Multi-Meter Method select N = P - S with banked KWH, SEC = NO.

  6. Click Accept 

  7. Click on the Primary/Secondary button in the lower left of the screen.

  8. Click Add under the secondary meter area to add the secondary meter you want for the account.

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